About N-Body Problem
Pseudo Code of Solving N-body Problem
Dataset Description
Compiled Methods
Source Code
Environment configuration

NumPy Benchmarks



This web page aims to benchmark NumPy’s performance on the widely accepted N-body problem [2]. This work also compares NumPy with Python & C++ and with compilers like Numba and Pythran.

The objective of benchmarking NumPy revolves around the efficiency of the library in quasi real-life situations, and the N-body problem suits the purpose well. Benchmarking is performed over several iterations for different datasets to ensure the accuracy of the results.

About N-Body Problem

In physics, the n-body problem is the problem of predicting the individual motions of a group of celestial objects interacting with each other gravitationally.

Source: Wikipedia

From the definition above, the N-body problem includes the kinematics between the different bodies, which involve various mathematical computations. Solving this problem has been motivated by the desire to understand the motions of the celestial bodies. Thus it serves as a robust entity between real-world applications and the computational world.

A brief description of computations involved in solving the N-body problem is given below, along with the pseudo-code in the next section:

Consider n bodies of masses m1,m2,m3,,mn, moving under the mutual gravitational force of attraction between them in an inertial frame of reference of three dimensions, such that consecutive positions and velocities of an ith body are denoted by (sk1, sk) and (vk1, vk) respectively. According to the Newton’s law of gravity, the gravitational force felt on the ith body of mass mi by a single body of mass mj is denoted as Fij and the acceleration of the ith body is represented as ai. Let ri and rj be the position vectors of two body, such that:



The final aim is to find time taken to evaluate the total energy of each particle in the celestial space at a given time step. The equations involved in solving the problem are listed below:





(VII)Self Potential Energy=U=mi×mjr2

(VIII)Kinetic Energy=K.E=m×v22

(IX)Total Energy=Kinetic Energy+Self Potential Energy

Pseudo Code of Solving N-body Problem

Set time to 0, time_step to 0.001 and time_end to 10s
THEN number_of_step is 10/0.001
FOR time is less than or equal to time_end
    Calculate accelerations (a[i], for given position r[i])
    Calculate total initial energies:
        Calculate kinetic energy
        Calculate potential energy
    FOR k less than number_of_step
        Calculate positions (r[k+1])
        Swap accelerations
        Calculate accelerations
        Calculate velocities (v[k+1])
        Increment time
        IF number_of_step % 100 is not 0 THEN
            Calculate total energy
            Print energy

Dataset Description

An example from the dataset[3] used is given below: (for a single particle, the values are approximated up to four decimal places for readability)

# Ordered as: label, mass (grams), position_x, position_y, position_z, velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z
-1 0.0625 0.2148  -0.1204  -0.2661 0.7578  0.1576  -0.0715

Compiled Methods

We considered accelerators like Numba, Pythran, and Transonic for benchmarking. This decision is inspired by Ralf Gommer’s Presentation on SciPy 1.0 (conference video). We give brief details on a few of the accelerators below:


Numba is an open source JIT compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code.

Source: Numba's Website

Since Numba is a compiler focused on accelerating Python and NumPy codes, the user API of the library supports various decorators. It uses the industry-standard LLVM compiler library. It aims to translate the Python functions to optimized machine code during runtime. It supports variety of decorators like @jit, @vectorize, @guvectorize, @stencil, @jitclass, @cfunc, @overload. We are using Just-In-Time compilation in this work. It also supports nopython mode to generate fully compiled results without the need for intermediate Python interpreter calls. Numba’s assistance to NumPy arrays and functions also makes it a good candidate for comparison.


Pythran is an ahead of time compiler for a subset of the Python language, with a focus on scientific computing.

Source: Pythran's Website

Since the focus of Pythran was on accelerating Python and NumPy codes, its C++ API is the same as that of NumPy. Pythran also supports Expression Templating and SIMD instructions, which are its main advantages. It converts annotated Python modules into native Python modules, which are comparatively faster. But both have the same kind of interface.

Source Code

Algorithm & Source Code Implementation Details
NumPy Vectorized Approach, Broadcasting Method, NumPy Arrays
Python Standard Python Approach, Using List
C++ C++ Implementation, GNU C++ Compiler
Numba Just-In-time Compilation, Non-Vectorized Approach, Using Numba at the Backend via Transonic, NumPy Arrays
Pythran Just-In-Time Compilation, Non-Vectorized Approach, Pythran at the Backend via Transonic, NumPy Arrays


Table values represent the normalized time ‘time / nParticles^{2}` taken in seconds by each algorithm to run on the given datasets for 50 number of iterations. The raw timing data can be downloaded from here.

Input(s) 32 64 128 256
NumPy 0.434 0.243 0.139 0.0713
Python 0.838 0.783 0.82 0.697
C++ 0.1001 0.089 0.089 0.075
Numba 0.1007 0.101 0.106 0.104
Pythran 0.02 0.02 0.019 0.0203

Environment configuration


How can we accelerate NumPy?

NumPy aims to improve itself and to give better performance for the end-users. It performs well in most cases. But to fill the gaps where NumPy is not so good various compiled methods like Numba, Pythran, etc are used. They play a huge role. Presently, we used Transonic’s JIT Compilation at the backend for NumPy arrays to implement Numba & Pythran. To be specific, we want to compare NumPy’s vectorized approach with the JIT-compiled non-vectorized approach.

We have compared the performance of NumPy with two of the most popular languages Python and C++, and with popular compiled methods like Numba and Pythran. We distinguished the remarkable change in the behaviour of NumPy as we increment the number of input sizes. NumPy initially performed equivalent to the speed of Python, but, later it changed its behavior from “python-like” nature to “compiled-like” behavior. The running time became similar to accelerators that are to increase the performance of the code. It achieves better performance for scientific computations as well as for solving real-life situations. That’s NumPy. It stands explicitly well in all kinds of circumstances.


  1. The issue for adding content on performance
  2. Wikipedia’s Article on N-Body Problem
  3. Dataset used from Pierre Augier’s repository